Wednesday, April 16

Offended of sorts.

This rapist and that molester
This corrupt politician, that suppressive leader.
Them, these men and women of the unethical-
They are after me.
A fragile flower admirer.
A jovial children lover
A worshipper of women
A helping hand for the incapable
A helper of sorts
I, a gay man,
A confused man.
A half man, a “more than a man”- man.
I a criminal?
I a sinner?
What I see today is a beautiful reflection.
A beautiful creation, in its flaws.
Not sexual but physical.
It’s me, now a criminal.
In a lands of hypocrisy and the unaware
In a land torn between irony and injustice.
In a land that is now ceasing to be.
In a land that seems no longer my own.

Saturday, April 12


Altitude twists attitudes.
High floors brews philosophers.
There is something about these hanging balconies,
You can look away and beyond-
Far from the reality.
Once in a while I do give in to this temptation.
I sit too, in my balcony of a high apartment.
At night when the sounds are less, and light specks many.
A game of lego, only illuminated.
Block on blocks, blocks following blocks
Dazzled in patterns of black and yellow.
At night everything is one
No rich and no poor
That blue of the cheap plastic that coats the slum tops
That matt of the stone surface that adorns the beautiful ones
All submerge into one black, just yellow showy crystals.
But in this height, air deprived
I feel detached.
I feel removed.
No bodies to be seen.
No hands to be brushed against.
Eyes disappeared into the dark.
No glints, no hopes.
I’d rather be a thriving loafer,
Than a lonesome philosopher.
So I climb down
To collect another story
To fashion another poem.